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Showing 4,825-4,848 of 5,013 results for “Books on Tape”
Filter search results.-
- General adult 3,951
- Juvenile 575
- Young adult 473
- Mature adult 14
Date added
- Last 14 days 1
- Last 30 days 19
- Last 3 months 155
- Last 6 months 276
- Fiction 2,750
- Literature 1,455
- Thriller 1,224
- Nonfiction 1,215
- Suspense 780
- Romance 742
- Fantasy 741
- Mystery 718
- Historical Fiction 601
- Biography & Autobiography 563
- Juvenile Fiction 537
- Juvenile Literature 493
- Young Adult Fiction 448
- Young Adult Literature 341
- Humor (Fiction) 315
- History 314
- Science Fiction 241
- Self-Improvement 225
- Sociology 220
- Politics 200
- Business 178
- Psychology 122
- Mythology 112
- Horror 110
- African American Fiction 109
- Science 104
- Religion & Spirituality 96
- Family & Relationships 95
- Humor (Nonfiction) 92
- Essays 77
- Short Stories 68
- Health & Fitness 64
- Classic Literature 61
- LGBTQIA+ (Fiction) 61
- New Age 54
- Performing Arts 53
- Military 52
- True Crime 49
- Sports & Recreations 48
- Juvenile Nonfiction 38
- Christian Nonfiction 37
- Folklore 35
- Literary Criticism 35
- Western 35
- Science Fiction & Fantasy 35
- Nature 34
- Travel 34
- Medical 33
- Economics 32
- Philosophy 30
- Young Adult Nonfiction 25
- Cooking & Food 25
- Women's Studies 25
- Self Help 24
- Finance 24
- Technology 23
- Multi-Cultural 20
- Music 20
- African American Nonfiction 19
- Language Arts 16
- Law 16
- Poetry 16
- Reference 16
- Erotic Literature 14
- Education 13
- Art 13
- Comic and Graphic Books 11
- Physics 10
- Geography 9
- LGBTQIA+ (Nonfiction) 9
- Careers 7
- Computer Technology 7
- Home Design & Décor 7
- Christian Fiction 7
- Picture Book Fiction 6
- Media Studies 6
- Pets 6
- Travel Literature 6
- Foreign Language Study 5
- Photography 5
- Transportation 5
- Writing 4
- Gardening 3
- Engineering 2
- Foreign Language Study - French 2
- Foreign Language Study - Spanish 2
- Drama 2
- Literary Anthologies 2
- Mathematics 2
- Management 1
- Crime 1
- Chemistry 1
- Non-English Fiction 1
- Picture Book Nonfiction 1
- Child Development 1
- Crafts 1
- Grammar & Language Usage 1
- Antiques 1
- Architecture 1
- Psychiatry 1
- Children 1
- English 5,010
- Spanish; Castilian 4
Lexile® Measures
- BR–200L 1
- 200L–400L 3
- 400L–600L 91
- 600L–800L 449
- 800L–1000L 362
- 1000L–1200L 105
- 1200L–1400L 30
- 1400L–1600L 3
- 1600L–1800L 2
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×Availability can change throughout the month based on the library's budget. You can still place a hold on the title, and your hold will be automatically filled as soon as the title is available again.